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Integrated Brand Creation – Business-to-Business: U.S. Markets.
California-based technology firm, hired us to raise the bar and create a brand that would differentiate them from that of their competition.​As a technology-driven company, Tallgrass helps turn the complex to simple, putting their client's valuable data to work for them, and assisting clients to make faster, more informed decisions. Tallgrass crunches big data into the optimal velocity and shape so companies can focus on creating large and small decisions based on the outcomes of transforming idle data into a profitable asset.
By using data and analytics, Tallgrass makes companies more competitive. Their techniques allow them to uncover hidden connections within huge masses of data so their clients can react more quickly to changes in the market or customer traits and behaviors. Tallgrass sees data as a new natural resource that can be refined, making data actionable to create opportunities to leverage data as a profitable asset.
Ramp up quickly to gain a well-rounded understanding of the technology and its value related to their targeted buying audiences. Then, tell their story: create and articulate what Tallgrass does for its clients and the value they deliver. Our goal: is to create a competitive, visually appealing brand. Our initial work integrated visual and textual elements into their communications, such as key messages, value propositions, positioning taglines, logo identity, corporate colors, website, and website content.

Fortune 1000 companies that need big data translated into actionable data so they can make better and informed business decisions related to existing and future customer behaviors and marketplace dynamics.

Our strategy is based on presenting perception, helping competitively position Tallgrass as an expert and player in data analytics. Use creativity and graphic design combined with intelligent content, positioning the firm to be considered as a credible business partner and helping position Tallgrass for future business opportunities and growth.

“We find the professionalism and end-products S-Squared delivers refreshingly exemplary in this space, the fountain of creativity & innovation nothing short of amazing.”

Pete Eliason


Branded communications

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