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S2 articles present a variety of subjects that relates to areas of graphic design, psychology, market data, communication trends, studies and work examples. Peruse our library and learn more.


Given the enormous opportunity to create new value, companies should pursue emotional connections as a science—and a strategy. However, for most, building these connections is more guesswork than science. They have little idea of what works and whether their efforts have produced the desired results.


Experienced communicators understand that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Aristotle’s Seven Causes of Human Action can be directly applied to consumer behavior and brand marketing. You’ll never really “get” marketing if you don’t “get” the psychology of needs and the philosophy of actions.ab your audience's attention...


Your brand is an asset that has direct monetary value. According to Market Street Research, numerous studies indicate that the strength of a company’s brand has direct impact on financial metrics like sales effectiveness, market share, and margins. The investment you make in your brand will provide a monetary difference in both the short-term and long-term.


The best way to prepare for future marketing trends is to study the behavior of the demographic that will soon become the dominant buying power. Get to know Gen Y now and explore creative marketing strategies to connect with them.

Art In Advertising

When it comes to art in advertising the possibilities are infinite. Essentially an artist is someone who analyses the world they live in and reflects their observations or experiences in their space. Successful advertising creative is someone who absorbs cultural and social trends and infuses the campaigns they conceive with ideas that reflect contemporary society, in order to appeal to the target audience of their ads.

Stats to know when considering marketing to Millennials

Millennials the grown-up versions of the kids that Barney promised would be special no matter what. The kids that had shelves upon shelves of participation trophies growing up, technology-obsessed, entitled, and downright narcissistic. Millennials are also the most significant emerging opportunity for marketers.

You might never join the ranks of the multi-zillionaires, but these characteristics of an entrepreneur can take you far in the workplace.

Interesting Internet facts.

The definition is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

74 Interesting Millennial facts.

Some interesting research related to the millennial generation (also termed Gen Y). These stats shed lights on how the economy has affected their lives, their values, how they view the workplace, their consumer and investing habits, political views and entrepreneurial spirit.

39 interesting Generation-Z Stats.

Generation Z  represents 23 million Americans  born between 1994 and 2010. While they haven’t entered the workplace yet, they have a different set of values and beliefs than their predecessors. They were born during the financial meltdown and don’t know a world without the Internet. They will become the most entrepreneurial, conservative, diverse and educated generation in the world. Here is a collection of all research I’ve collected on Gen Z, with more to come soon. They will help you understand what they value, as well as how to hire and sell to them.

Psychology of color in branding.

There have been numerous attempts to classify consumer responses to different individual colors, but the truth of the matter is that color is too dependent on personal experiences to be universally translated to specific feelings.

Psychology of shapes and graphic design

Have you ever wondered why the ‘M’ in the McDonald’s logo has curved ends or why the Nike Swoosh has such a dynamic line? Why is the Delta logo so angular while the Starbucks logo confines its lines to circular?

How effective branding can impact your bottom line.

Branding is not just about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but about convincing your prospects that you are the only one who can provide a solution to their problem. Your brand is an asset that has direct monetary value. According to Market Street Research, numerous studies indicate that the strength of a company’s brand has direct impact on financial metrics like sales effectiveness, market share, and margins. The investment you make in your brand will provide a monetary difference in both the short-term and long-term.

The top 10 most visited websites in the world.

In the ultra-competitive world of the Internet, many websites have come and gone over the years. However, there are some websites have taken hold of the public’s imagination and become more than just websites. They have become a part of our lives, as familiar to all of us as your pet or your best friend. What would even come as a bigger surprise to you is that some of the world’s most popular websites include some names you’ve probably never heard before.

The Internet's numbers are virtually staggering.

40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%. The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. The first billion was reached in 2005, the second billion in 2010 and the third billion in 2014.

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