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Multi-Channel Digital Campaign
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New York Life asked us to create a targeted campaign to help them market and sell their disability insurance product to attorneys. We accepted the challenge and created a fun and visually striking campaign called, INSURE TO ENSURE.
Creative Strategy and Psychology

Welcome to INSURE TO ENSURE, a campaign introducing a dynamic superhero, IONIX MAN, powered by New York Life. Our campaign delivered the sharp contrast of real-life human frailty to emphasize the need for disability insurance.

No one is Bulletproof, invincible, and should always expect and count on the unexpected. However, we have noticed that when we look back on our experience of working with attorneys, their profession affords social status. A career often experienced in an ivory tower tends to create a sense of being bulletproof.

The psychology behind "Insure to Ensure" served up in a sophisticated and tongue in cheek fashion that communicates regardless of your profession, you are just as vulnerable as any other. Hence the importance of the need for disability insurance coverage. We believe that the theme and energized content combined with the graphic look and feel and call to action are vital elements that captured the interest and motivated the audience to click and take action.

Communication Examples – Campaign logo and digital advertising

Communication Examples – Themed campaign landing page.

Click to view online

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Ad Examples – Ad displayed on mobile device and social media

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